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Looking for Y-mixer for laboratory
Looking for Y-mixer for laboratory
Looking for Y-mixer for laboratory

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Looking for Y-mixer for laboratory.

Photos and images sent by email will be considered as ad authorization on our websites and marketing.
Camargo Industrial has no responsability for the data delivered by the advertiser, (Operation, technical, maintenance, warranties, technical delivery) and registration of the same data, exempting Camargo Industrial responsibilities on the veracity of the information described, civil and criminally.
The advertiser declares that the equipment is their property, settled without alienation, pending fiscal or judicial attachment.
Standard Work Safety of Machines and Equipment (NR12): 12.1.1. Camargo Industrial does not participate in the use phase construction, transport, assembly, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning and dismantling of machinery or equipment, any such liability of the seller attributes and / or buyer, relieving - any responsibility Camargo Industrial.

Others suggested equipment for you:

Wanted: pre cleaning machine with air column
Wanted: pre cleaning machine with air column

Machine code: 566-477

Pre cleaning machine with air column...
Wanted: water pump
Wanted: water pump

Machine code: 008-310

Water pump....
Wanted: tubular heat exchanger for soda
Wanted: tubular heat exchanger for soda

Machine code: 517-606

Tubular heat exchanger for soda with temperature between 60 and 80 degrees, 10000 l/h flow rate...
Wanted: Spray Dryer Dry lab
Wanted: Spray Dryer Dry lab

Machine code: 280-101

Dry Spray dryer....
Wanted: Pot/jacketed Tank
Wanted: Pot/jacketed Tank

Machine code: 001-303

Pan/stainless steel jacketed Tank.
all stainless steel coil.
2 of 15000 kg.
1 of 10000 kg....
Wanted: Filler of cartridges.
Wanted: Filler of cartridges.

Machine code: 471-580

Filler of cartridges....
Wanted: receiving milk Silo
Wanted: receiving milk Silo

Machine code: 788-074

Milk receiver silo...
Looking for dust blender for dust above 500 kg
Looking for dust blender for dust above 500 kg

Machine code: 008-506

We have customers interested in buying a powder blender mixer, with capacity of 500 kg....
Wanted: tape extrusion line of arch
Wanted: tape extrusion line of arch

Machine code: 478-263

Extrusion tape line of arch, Pet tape 16 mm...
Automatic blower for PET bottles MultiPet
Automatic blower for PET bottles MultiPet

Machine code: 628-888

Brand: Multipet

Automatic blower for PET bottles.

Manufacturer: MultiPet.

Two model units to follow:

Model: ESA 3000.
Year: 2013.
Cavity mold: 1x2.
Approximate production: up to 2500 bottles per hour.

Model: ESA 4000.
Year: 2009.
Cavity mold: 1x3.
Wanted: Retorcedoras to receive a maximum of 30 time zones
Wanted: Retorcedoras to receive a maximum of 30 time zones

Machine code: 042-125

Retorcedoras you receive a maximum of 30 time zones ...
Wanted: ampoule reviewer at Humana
Wanted: ampoule reviewer at Humana

Machine code: 081-303

Ampoule reviewer at Humana.
Brand: Eisai.
Model: AIM 787 a.
year: 1994....
Wanted: machine to fill 50/100 g grated cheese
Wanted: machine to fill 50/100 g grated cheese

Machine code: 271-347

Machine for filling grated cheese 50 g/100 g...
Wanted: sigma 500 and 1000 litres mixer
Wanted: sigma 500 and 1000 litres mixer

Machine code: 060-471

Sigma 500 and 1000 litres mixer....
Wanted: Machine that produces finger in horizontal system
Wanted: Machine that produces finger in horizontal system

Machine code: 107-261

Machine that produces finger in horizontal system with average capacity between 20/30 linear meters per minute or between 90/120 pieces per minute. ...
Wanted: horizontal Mill Netzsch
Wanted: horizontal Mill Netzsch

Machine code: 273-675

Netzsch horizontal mill with a capacity of 2000 kg/h (LME 200 k)....
Wanted: parbolizar machine for rice export for Bolivia
Wanted: parbolizar machine for rice export for Bolivia

Machine code: 231-252

Machine for parbolizar rice for export for Bolivia...
Wanted: faro Gage measuring Arm
Wanted: faro Gage measuring Arm

Machine code: 223-635

Faro Gage measuring arm...
Thermoformadora continues TFS200
Thermoformadora continues TFS200

Machine code: 026-538

Thermoformadora continues.
model: TFS200.
the product to be packed: frozen salmon portion that varies from 80 g to 120 g per piece, today we did a production of 2000 kg in 8 hours more work we need to double the production of the same.
That mac...
Wanted: drip tray for cheese bread
Wanted: drip tray for cheese bread

Machine code: 276-756

Drip tray for cheese bread...

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.

Closed your business?



Photos and images sent by email will be considered as ad authorization on our websites and marketing.
Camargo Industrial has no responsability for the data delivered by the advertiser, (Operation, technical, maintenance, warranties, technical delivery) and registration of the same data, exempting Camargo Industrial responsibilities on the veracity of the information described, civil and criminally.
The advertiser declares that the equipment is their property, settled without alienation, pending fiscal or judicial attachment.
Standard Work Safety of Machines and Equipment (NR12): 12.1.1. Camargo Industrial does not participate in the use phase construction, transport, assembly, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning and dismantling of machinery or equipment, any such liability of the seller attributes and / or buyer, relieving - any responsibility Camargo Industrial.
Camargo Industrial - Street Antonio Blanco, 1451 - Jardim Sao Joao Batista
ZIP Code: 13567-060 - Sao Carlos / SP - Brazil


Sales: +55 (16) 3361-6681 / 3361-6682 / 3419-4644

Administrative: +55 (16) 3419-4648

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.