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Support for drageadeira |
Support for drageadeira. |
Photos and images sent by email will be considered as ad authorization on our websites and marketing. Camargo Industrial has no responsability for the data delivered by the advertiser, (Operation, technical, maintenance, warranties, technical delivery) and registration of the same data, exempting Camargo Industrial responsibilities on the veracity of the information described, civil and criminally. The advertiser declares that the equipment is their property, settled without alienation, pending fiscal or judicial attachment. Standard Work Safety of Machines and Equipment (NR12): 12.1.1. Camargo Industrial does not participate in the use phase construction, transport, assembly, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning and dismantling of machinery or equipment, any such liability of the seller attributes and / or buyer, relieving - any responsibility Camargo Industrial.
Others suggested equipment for you:
Drageadeira stainless steel 150 litres Capacity... |
Coater in stainless steel tablets.
Type: Drageadeira.
With retractable head.
For approximately 150 L.
With two spray coating.... |
Brand: Próinox
Drageadeira stainless steel tumbler-150 litres.... |
Brand: Aero Mack
Drageadeiras set in stainless steel type 500 liters of Mandarin. Brand: Aero Mack. Voltage: 220 V-60 Hz-3450 Rpm Semi new.... |
Drawer in stainless steel.
Used for product development.
Ball capacity 10 liters being 6 liters handy.... |
Double bulge type Drageadeira. capacity: 100 kg. Bulge type double cone in stainless steel 304 polished with internal fins 3. Features:-speed control, emergency button and on/off key. unicase cv high yield 1. equipment ready for use. sani... |
Brand: Usiram
Drageadeira Usiram brand, model Usi-quota. She was purchased new in the year 2007 and since then have been made just finishing testing in tablets in 5 opportunities. The equipment is practically new... |
Small Drageadeira... |
Drageadeira like Tangerine. capacity: 10 kg. Bulge type 304 stainless steel polished Tangerine and without fins.
Features:-warm air Insufflation system (has fan and resistance) with temperature adjustment.
-the system of inflation works s... |
Super drageadeira fully revised, with high production capacity. 5000 rpm up to 700 kg/h.... |
Drainage for mixing.
Stainless steel.
Plain, corrugated or mandarin.
Of 200 liters and several other formats and capacities.... |
Brand: Lawes
Carbon steel dragee.
Manufacturer: Lawes.
Model: Drageador.
Approximate dimensions:
Height: 1800 mm.
Width: 1000 mm.
Length: 1200 mm.
Approximate internal dimensions:
Height: 900 mm.
Depth: 480 mm.
Mouth: 380 mm.
Weig... |
Drageadeira with spray.... |
Dragedeira.... |
Brand: Lawes
Air blower for drying processes.
Usually used to dry dragees, in dragee machines.
Stainless steel.
Brand: Lawes.... |
Brand: Quality
Drageadeira with heating and heating system spray new-never been used. Brand: Quality. Possibility to work with several products dragées. Tangerine Bowl with a capacity of 30 litres. Rocker type. Speed controller, allowing a low starting to... |
Capacity: 200 liters.... |
Brand: Fabbe
Drageadeira for making popcorn.... |
Brand: Fabbe
Brand: Fabbe.... |
Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.
Photos and images sent by email will be considered as ad authorization on our websites and marketing. Camargo Industrial has no responsability for the data delivered by the advertiser, (Operation, technical, maintenance, warranties, technical delivery) and registration of the same data, exempting Camargo Industrial responsibilities on the veracity of the information described, civil and criminally. The advertiser declares that the equipment is their property, settled without alienation, pending fiscal or judicial attachment. Standard Work Safety of Machines and Equipment (NR12): 12.1.1. Camargo Industrial does not participate in the use phase construction, transport, assembly, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning and dismantling of machinery or equipment, any such liability of the seller attributes and / or buyer, relieving - any responsibility Camargo Industrial. |